Buffy the Vampire Slayer Updates

a video was added: BUFFY & SPIKE - COLA 2 days ago by Makeupdiva
a video was added: Spike | I'll Keep Coming 4 days ago by Makeupdiva
a video was added: just some buffy the vampire slayer clips to make you laugh 5 days ago by Makeupdiva
a comment was made to the poll: did u like wesley 6 days ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Was Restless a good way to end Season 4? 6 days ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you prefer Willow with? 6 days ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Which of the potentials do you like more? 6 days ago by LowriLorenza89
a video was added: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Made Viewers Want to Quit Watching - ScreenRant 7 days ago by Makeupdiva
a video was added: The Prophecy | Buffy Summers 22 days ago by Makeupdiva
a video was added: Buffy Summers | I Can Do It With a Broken Heart 22 days ago by Makeupdiva
a link was added: Buffy, The Vampire Slayer: Every Real Life Band That Played The Bronze 24 days ago by Sharelle1212
a comment was made to the poll: Which of these characters would you like to see fight? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Did you like Kendra? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Truthfully, did you actually guess/know that after Buffy's short season one death, another slayer would come along? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Will Buffy ever have children? (I know they wouldn't do this in the comics, but do you think the character would ever have kids?) 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Funniest time Buffy thought she was in love with somebody? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Which big bad was hardest for Buffy to fight? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: If you could pick one character to have never been on the show, who would you pick? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Which abandoned/changed plot would you have most liked to see? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Giles: Better with or without glasses? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: What did you think of the ending for 'Normal again' with the implication that it really is all in Buffy's head? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: SECOND favorite couple? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Earlier or Later Seasons? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Ok, So The 'Nonoriginal Scoobies' Are All Pretty Jealous Of The Sucsess Of The 'Original Scoobies' Books, So They Do One Of Their Own, Whose Are You Going To Read? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Did anyone else get an awesome mental picture when Spike refered to people as "happy meals with legs?" 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: A Book Gets Writen By Each Of The Scoobies On Their Version Of Accounts That Happened in Their Sunnydale Years, Whose Would You Want To Read More? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Do You Like the Epsiode "Dirty Girls" ? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: Which Vampire That You Learned with Their Relationship With Buffy Makes Better Decisions For Buffy? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the poll: If you could have Buffy confront someone for something they did she never properly confronted them for who from these would it be? 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a video was added: Buffyverse - Out Of My League 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a video was added: Buffyverse - If That's Worth Dying For 1 month ago by LowriLorenza89
a video was added: Top 10 Most Shocking Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments 1 month ago by jasamfan23
an answer was added to this question: Was Faith really in love with Buffy? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the answer: Well, it'd be a stretch: those two really did *hate* eachother, so it'd floor *everybody*; yet that's maybe something that could be something they... 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
a comment was made to the answer: Even though I think Faith might be bisexual (Eliza Dushku did say that she was putting some hints of an attraction towards Buffy into her acting), I... 2 months ago by Cardassia
a comment was made to the answer: No way. Willow and Faith are the complete opposite of eachother, and I mean the type that doesn't attract. 2 months ago by Cardassia
a comment was made to the answer: No I don't think so. At the end of season 7 was'nt Williow with Kennady and Faith with Robin Wood 2 months ago by Cardassia
a comment was made to the answer: Lol - before season 7 - hell no they try and kick the crap outta each other! After yeah why not? it be fun! hahaha 2 months ago by Cardassia
an answer was added to this question: Willow and Faith As A Couple? 2 months ago by Cardassia
an answer was added to this question: Do you think after the kiss of Cordelia and Wesley they ever had feelings about each other. Especially after graduation. 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: Willow and Faith As A Couple? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: Okey, so you know in The last season, Buffy has all of her friends turn their backs on her after all the years she's wasted fighting for them- how did you feel about that? Sad/angry for her? Mad at them, or did you think she deserved what she got? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: In season 7 Willow activates all the current potentials. Question is, what happened to all the potentials in the past that might be alive before Buffy? Did they cease becoming potentials when she was activated? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: so does anyone know if Spike meant to get his soul back, or was he trying to get the chip out and the demon or whatever he was tricked him? Sorry if that doesnt make any sense. 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone like Tara and Willow's relationship more than Buffy and Spike's relationship? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone like Willow and Tara better than Oz and Willow? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: anyone else feel like fred was a copy of willow? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: Does anybody else get chills in season four when there are foreshadows of Dawn? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: why dont som people like tara? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89
an answer was added to this question: Which character(s) did you take a while to warm up to? 2 months ago by LowriLorenza89