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Hottest Actors Answers

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 Showing Hottest Actors questions (1601 - 1700 of 10971)
Answer: Brad Pitt,who will be 50 in December.Even for an al...
Answer: Gabe changed so much........NOT XD
Answer: my creepy <3
Answer: Oh, God...When I saw Jensen in this way in Supernat...
Answer: Jared *_*
Answer: Enough said!
Answer: Rob has veins everywhere
Answer: Have a very happy one, my dear <3
Answer: Jessie Pavelka
Answer: Anthony Head has the most stylo sig I know
Answer: looks ... weird xD
Answer: my baby in a scene from Twilight with just a hint o...
Answer: my sexy shirtless Robert...THUD<3
Answer: pissed Teddy
Answer: boring fast work
Answer: I have two, both Robert Knepper & Downey Jr. <33333...
Answer: :/
Answer: can you find Rob? xD
Answer: young downey in sailor uniform ^^
Answer: ma sweetie with a microphone
Answer: my smoking hot baby<3
Answer: laughing Jared
Answer: real love? only possible with Jodi
Answer: Tom Beck, he always got a awesome hair.
Answer: my gorgeous Robert looking very yummy in this sweat...
Answer: Henry Cavill sitting
Answer: Yummy!!! <3333
Answer: OMFG
Answer: Taylor Kitsch ♡
Answer: John Barrowman with his tongue out ;)
Answer: my gorgeous Robert with both of his mesmerizing eye...
Answer: Prison Break!!! T-Bag!!! Best for all eternity!!!
Answer: my 2nd fave hottie,Paul Walker in a striped suit an...
Answer: Zac Efron crying in Charlie St. Cloud. Such a sad ...
Answer: Johnny Depp in Dark Shadows
Answer: my honey
Answer: Epic to me xD
Answer: Matthew looking hot just wearing an orange speedo. ...
Answer: Jonathan Lipnicki. He was in the movie Jerry MaGuir...
Answer: Matthew's silly "Ooohhhh" face XD
Answer: officially my favourite pic of him right now
Answer: that b**** trying to kill my honey
Answer: wanna have that jacket and the cutie in it <333
Answer: hope mine is ok :)
Answer: taylor laughing :)
Answer: and what a puppy he is
Answer: Well known hottie Tom Cruise <3
Answer: who toled him that?!?!?!
Answer: Matt Bomer :)
Answer: my sexy,gorgeous heartthROB<3
Answer: Hugh Laurie from House with an apple
Answer: Supernatural
Answer: Is this ok :) Found a better one :)
Answer: 30 year old Rob
Answer: Ollie in his very last scene on Smallville <3333
Answer: my baby loves to smile...and I love to see him smil...
Answer: you are my heaven on Earth<3
Answer: g'day my gorgeous Aussie<3
Answer: He's got about 10 years on me Hayden C.
Answer: I like this pic of Garrett Hedlund<3
Answer: my hot swagga babe
Answer: le handsome boy :P
Answer: John Barrowman and James Marsters in a fight on Tor...
Answer: Fav
Answer: all alone and brooding
Answer: Tom Hiddleston
Answer: Sorry, but because I don't want to offend any perso...
Answer: My yummy babe<3
Answer: Young John Barrowman
Answer: Leto
Answer: Beat this guys! MEGA COOL
Answer: A guide to recognice your saints :)
Answer: Here :)
Answer: swagga Peter Highman
Answer: my prince
Answer: love <3
Answer: my amazing British baby<3
Answer: poor Teddy
Answer: my SMOKING HOT Robert in b&w!!! He truly is smoking...
Answer: haha why so cute doweny??
Answer: josh hartnett. it's not on too prettily lol, but I ...
Answer: Love that beard
Answer: Rob<3
Answer: Jared Leto
Answer: I think this wallpaper of Robert from Cosmopolis is...
Answer: my sexy Robert lying down on a floor for a photosho...
Answer: Gabriel Mann <3333
Answer: Jensen being a cutie! <3
Answer: new pics of Tony from Warehouse 13 can't believe I...
Answer: my babe in a blue shirt and blue jeans.God,he is so...
Answer: Ian Somerhalder: SO HOT!
Answer: love this!
Answer: Here is a picture of my TDL with Jackson
Answer: Im 19, he is 47 :3
Answer: cute Jar
Answer: Jake <3
Answer: my handsome Robert in a blue vest<3
Answer: T-Bag is such a complex and deep character. It´s f...
Answer: funny & adorable Rob
Answer: Johhny :)