The Beatles Club
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Y'know, as much as I enjoy riding the train, travelling by road has its special charm." George told his friend while the van glided through the highway. "I'd have to concur, Geo," Paul replied. "Especially for whenever you'd go on trips like these with your family!" George said, "Precisely. Which reminds me, I hope to get me own car by this coming Summer!" Paul said, "Cool! Best of luck with that!" George winked in response.

"Where would you like us to drop you off?" Mr. Harrison asked by the time they were getting closer to London. "In Trafalgar Square, Dad. We'll be spending the rest of the...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Paul and George soon went inside the bakery while the latter's parents waited for them in the van. After taking a quick look at what's in stock, they found two boxes of cupcakes (which also turned out to be the last batch for the day) with flavours consisting of chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, caramel, banana, and even Cookies & Cream!

"Here they are," Paul said as he carried one box. "Exactly what I've been looking for!" George added while doing the same with the other, "And complete with various colours of yummy frosting, too!" They then paid for the cupcakes and returned to the van, thus...
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For the next week, I stayed with John. It was heaven for me, and I think John enjoyed my company, too. But my real reason for being here never left my mind.
On the first day, John introduced me to his music. He played me songs he'd recorded solo in the last couple of years, and they were so beautiful, but they made me cry. Then I asked to hear some Beatles songs, and John played me many of the earlier ones I didn't know yet on his guitar. "Misery" and "I Should Have Known Better" and "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" and "Eight Days a Week" and "It's Only Love" and "No Reply" and many more. I...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Are those apricots I smell?" Paul said as he returned to the dining room. "Ding! Ding! You are correct, Macca!" George replied. "These apricot pies have been a staple in my family ever since I was a wee lad, especially whenever we go camping." Paul remarked, "Oh, how magnificent! I'll bet they taste great." George replied, "Trust me, they do!" Mrs. Harrison said, "If you'd like, you can try it for yourself! I have a couple of leftover slices inside the fridge." Paul replied, "Jolly good, madame!" So he and George did just that.

"I LOVE IT!!" Paul exclaimed after swallowing a piece from his...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Everyone tucked into their lunch, which consisted of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and French onion soup. For the drink, they had strawberry Ribena.

"Mmmm... This is so tasty!" Paul remarked before taking another spoonful of his potatoes. "I'm glad ya like it, mate! Mum's cooking has always been a real delight." George replied. "And that makes me happy, too." Mrs. Harrison added. Paul smiled in response.

Mr. Harrison then asked his son, "So, how are things going for you and your bandmates since becoming a nationwide success last year?" George replied, "All's veddy well, Dad. In fact, we're...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The train finally reached Liverpool Lime Street station (which was also the last stop) a couple of hours before noon; and at the same time, Paul and George had just woken up from a refreshing nap.

"Here we are. Oh, how lovely it is to be back!" George said the moment they exited the station. "I'll say!" Paul replied. "And since you've told me about your plan pertaining to the pie, I think it's only fair that we kick things off with that." George replied, "Right as rain, Macca. Let's head on over to me house!" Paul said, "Okie dokie!" And so, they did.

Meanwhile, George's parents had finished...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
As promised, Paul and George met again at Euston Station the following morning. "Two tickets to Liverpool, please!" the latter told one of the ticket booth sellers. They then managed to grab a quick breakfast before it was time to board their train.

"So have you decided on any particular flavours for the cupcakes?" George asked his friend shortly after the journey began. "Well, I'm gonna aim for two boxes of assorted flavours; with each having a different colour of frosting!" Paul replied. "Excellent! I know the kids will enjoy those." George remarked. "You said it, mate!" Paul replied.

He then added, "Hard to believe it's been quite a while since we last went to our old home, eh?" George replied, "That's for sure. Hopefully, nothing much has changed." Paul said, "I hope for the same." George nodded.

The duo relaxed for the rest of the ride and even talked with some happy fans.

posted by 80smusiclover1
We head on over to Piccadilly Circus on a warm April day, in which George had just finished talking with and signing autographs for a group of fans. At the same time, Pattie and Laura were done shopping for some new clothes from Marks & Spencer.

"I'll bet you're bloody excited to hear about the events which would lead to our first ever meeting!" George told his daughter as they explored more of the place on foot. "Why of course, Daddy! This is the part I've been looking forward to the most." Laura replied. "And I'm sure they were just as memorable. Bring it on, sweetheart!" Pattie added. "Your wish is my command, ladies!" George said.

With that, the story started.

posted by Rubyrings
Natalya, Emily, May, and Morag did not expect to have visitors, or that anyone would ever stumble on their secret location. No one ever came out here, and no one had ever had any reason before to think that there might be a house tucked into this corner of the woods, much less to try and find the place. Besides, even if someone did manage to stumble on their house, the place looked far from inviting. It was made of rough grey stone, twisting towards the sky like some misshapen castle, and the rooms inside had a most confusing layout for anyone who didn’t live there and already know the place,...
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posted by Rubyrings
The hours wore on for the Beatles, and there was no way of telling how much time had passed in their little prison. It could have been the next morning, or afternoon, or the next evening. But as the Beatles hadn’t slept at all last night, and all four were beginning to feel their eyelids getting heavy, they decided it might as well be night. There was no other way to measure time in here then by sleeps. But none of them wanted to drift off, not when they had so little time left.
Paul still insisted they would find a way out of here. “Someone will find us. Or we’ll find a way out we haven’t...
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posted by Rubyrings
“Vanished?” repeated Susan, going pale.
Jenna frowned. “The Beatles can’t just vanish! They’ve got to be somewhere.”
Susan shook her head furiously, tears threatening to spill. “I knew it! Those terrible women took the Beatles away, and now Paul could be....” She couldn’t finish.
“Hang on.” Emma had a happier thought. “The Beatles have to be somewhere. We know they’re not anywhere Karen could find them....”
“And since I do know where they’re not, that should help us figure out where they are!” Karen finished, looking pleased. “Good one, Emma.”
“But we still...
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posted by Rubyrings
“Brilliant, Susan!” cried Jenna, as the three girls and one dog got off the bus, just a little ways from the best hotel in the city. “How did you know to come here?”
Susan blushed. “I sort of – hitched a ride with the Beatles when they came here. It was the best way to get to meet them. Only it didn’t work,” she added sadly. “Paul didn't – he didn't talk to me – but it wasn't his fault! I sort of – forget myself around him,” she admitted, brown-haired head downcast.
“Did you try writing Paul a letter?” Emma interjected here. “I don’t think you need to tell him...
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Later that night, when all the McCartneys were asleep, I sat awake, thinking, on the little pull-out bed Linda had gotten out for me.
I knew what I had to do now. Somehow, I would have to find Ringo, George, and John, and tell them how sad Paul was about their breakup, and convince them all, somehow, to come here and reunite. I didn't know how I was going to do that, but I couldn't believe that any of the former Beatles would be too hard to convince. Who would want to leave the Beatles behind? I was really much more worried about how to find them.
How was I going to do that? Maybe Paul still...
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posted by 80smusiclover1

With only six days left until the start of our tour, me mates and I figured that we should make the most of our free time by going on what we call a "Good-Will Mission". You could say that the window of opportunity had been opened, as we were delivered with a very special letter through the Abbey Road Studios postbox shortly after leaving the place for the night!

The Beatles had just gotten themselves settled for dinner at a restaurant and were waiting for their order to be served. "I wonder what that letter is all about..." Ringo said. "It'll be answered really soon!" George replied....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After parting with their bandmates a couple of hours later, Paul and George discussed about what they had planned to do as part of the mission while on a bus ride back to their respective homes.

"Let's go back to Liverpool tomorrow morning," Paul finally said. "That way, we can both look for the treats and have a bit of a trip down memory lane!" George replied, "Capital idea, Macca! I actually thought about the same thing while we were eating earlier." Paul remarked, "Great minds sure think alike!" George said, "Yep! Speaking of which, I've already got something planned with regards to the pie....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"What an experience that was, darling," Pattie said after the story came to a finish. "I can see why you decided to put dating on hold until you met me in Ireland two years later. That Doria witch sure had it coming to her!" George replied, "Yep! It was certainly worth the wait!" Pattie replied, "Indeed! And Wendy sounds like a nice fan. I hope she's been doing well." George said, "So do I, honey. That day we spent together is one I'll forever cherish." Pattie smiled in response.

"I must add that Uncle Ringo summoning those forest animals for the showdown was pretty funny! The same goes for...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Even as the showdown was approaching an hour since it started, the other Beatles were having the time of their lives in making Doria suffer. At this point, the mad scientist was battered, bruised, and even bleeding. "Call off these nasty vermins!!!" she shouted as the foxes and squirrels held on to her. "Nope, not a chance!" Ringo replied. "That's what ye get for calling us insects, ya witch!" John added. "And for brainwashing our dearest friend, too!" Paul said.

At that moment, they heard a familiar voice which made them smile: "Need some help, me mates?" And there, marching into the kitchen,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The first day of March had finally arrived, and the Beatles were on their way back to Abbey Road Studios for the tour rehearsals. Once they met inside and got their instruments prepared, John exclaimed, "Are ya mates ready?!" George replied, "As ready as we'll ever be, pal! Hit it!" They then had a grand time over the next two hours while taking water breaks in between.

When the lads were done, they proceeded to the meeting room for some pizza and Dr. Pepper. "Those rehearsals were mighty gear, me chaps! We now have the rest of the month to get ourselves all set for this Spring tour." John remarked....
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*Disclaimer: This is my teacher's words. It's her story from her childhood, I'm just repeating it. This is her story. :)

So, my sixth grade teacher revealed to my class one day that she had met George Harrison when she was a kid. This is how her story to us went.
Her late father was a missionary and basically traveled all over the world so my teacher and her sister (who was also my teacher in college) pretty much lived everywhere. And in 1963 they finally made it back to America and while living there they reconnected with a couple they had befriended in England. And according to her while they...
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When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be

And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be

And when the broken-hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer
Let it be

For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer
Let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Yeah, there will be an answer
Let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom...
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