Vampire Knight Club
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posted by Flickerflame
I have a few issues with the claim Sara Shirabuki made during the third arc of the manga. She accused Kaname of having deliberately freed Shizuka and set her on the Kiryuu family, in order to made Zero the weapon he needed. I'm not saying that Kaname wouldn't be willing to do this. Indeed, he's shown several times that there isn't ANYTHING he wouldn't do in order to protect Yuuki - be it killing the Vampire Council, manipulating and using others, or letting an ex-human vampire like Zero drink his blood.

The first issue is one of timing. From the flashbacks, we can see that Shizuka and the ex-human...
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When I woke up, I was in my bed at the dorms. I sat up, looking around. Was it..just a dream? I lifted my hand, feeling the bandage on my neck. My eyes were wide. No, it wasn't a dream. Zero, and Ichiru...did Zero know Ichiru was here? In the Academy? And who was this Maria girl? Why was she in a Night Class uniform? So many questioned ran through my head. My thoughts were crushed, though, when my door opened and Yuki walked in.

"There you are, Ikeda! Class is about to start. Are you feeling alright?" She asked. I was silent for a moment before nodding and getting up. Once I was dressed, Yuki...
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posted by Brotherhood65
I am a cocky little bitch, and whenever someone meets me. They start to hate me in seconds.

I’m like that, if people don’t like it. Shove it up your damn ass.

Sorry, that’s a great way to introduce myself, huh?

I am 17, with silver hair. Yes I dyed my hair silver because I was stupid. Ugh, don’t remind me!

It goes down to my waist, and I have hazel eyes. I look like an alien basically...

I was also short, but not that short. Average height. Fun size.

And to explain my life: One word, disaster!

I wasn’t the average teenage girl, I was a girl with parents....that weren’t actually my parents....
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posted by pitakia
Voilà c'est la grande question concernant Vampire Knight!!!!

Dans le manga, on est en quelle année?

C'est-à-dire lorsque Yuki Cross a 15 ans, on est en quelle année?

Puisqu'il y a des voitures du siècle précédent et des calèches, je dirai vers 1965

mais il y a des jeans et des glaces alors je dirais 2015...
Rhoo trop d'impressisions et vous quand pensez-vous?

J'ai vraiment besoin de la réponse...

Mes recherches n'aboutissent à rien...

Puisque l'auteur ne fait mention de ceci nul-part...

Help me!!!!

Article de Pita.
posted by juurizero
In a quiet room zero wash the face saying:
I love her but why?????????????why
she is a human and i am a vampire!!!!why!!!
she is in love kuran!why!(saying he grind)
why why why???????????? why me
i love her but she does not know I exist!!!!!!!!!
(saying he taking bloody rose to head)
suddenly someone knock
zero?you are here?(ask yuki)
yuki?you are?
yes!!!!(smile yuki)
zero jump on it
shut up now i'll talk and i talk I love you!
(saying he and kiss her)
I love you too (saying she kissing his)
^giving away coller yuki bite it^
yuki..... you are a vampire?
yes....(saying she)
what? since?(saying he astonished)
but you love kuran(saying he)
that you understand?oh no kaname is my broather no my love you are my love
what? so you are not a human?
no i am a vampire!!
both kiss
posted by zerorin

No one can deny the huge popularity of the anime series Vampire Knight which was adopted from the famous manga with the same title created by Matsuri Hino.The story focuses between the vampire-human coexistence happening at the Cross Academy, vampires are long feared in the society and no one can tell wether there would be a time wherein vampires and humans can share one community.Even though Vampire knight highlights this kind of situation what makes this anime series worth watching is its characters love story especially the love triangle of Zero Kiryuu,Yuki...
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posted by juurizero
zero lift bloody rose to kaname saying:
it's over vampire!
kaname hurt zero using power saying
I'm afraid that's not true!my over is not now over will be when yuki will tell and we know that's not gonna happen because she love me
you're wrong (smile zero)
zero!!!stop!!!(screaming yuki)
yuki!!!(saying zero)
what are you doing here?(ask yuki)
what? I kill the vampire! this is my job and I know you love him but he is a vampire and a vampire is our enemy!(screaming zero)
zero!!!!kaname is my broather!!!!!
what? are broathers?
yes!!!so do not kill
sory!this is my job!(saying he kill his)
why zero?! why? you do not really care it's my broather?
sory yuki but good people is above but love for you
this is the life!(saying zero starting repulsive)
I had been born in a family of Vampire Hunters. My Mother had died when I was born, and my Father, Toga Yagari, had tried his best to raise me. At an early age he taught me everything I would need to know to become a Vampire Hunter. I always admired him so much. I wanted to be just like him when I was older. I was my Father's pride and joy.

When I was five, he had finally told me more about Vampires. How there were different levels to them, and the Pure bloods. For as long as I could remember, Vampires were something I was interested in. With each story, I hated Vampires more and more.

Then the...
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posted by BeantownBoriqua
Hi, I'm new to Vampire Knight. My friend is the one who introduce me to the anime. After watching both season I wanted to know I looked around. I am now looking to read the manga, but I have no idea where I could purchase them. I looked on Amazon, but I am not sure if those were it or not. I don't want to buy them if they are not the right ones. Like I said I'm new so I would not know if they are the ones everyone is talking about. Since I know people are saying chapters & the ones I saw on Amazon say up to book 11. So I'm more than a little confuse. If anyone could help me that would be great. Thank You.
posted by KathyKiryu
"Why have you come here...Shizuka Hio?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. I wanted to protect Ichiru from this woman, but something told me to wait. She stopped jumping around when I finally said her real name. Father had told me she was the one who killed the Kiryu's, and made Zero a monster. She was the reason I hated Vampires.

"So...your Father has taught you well...I actually..have come here to check up on Zero. As you can tell." Shizuka sat down on the small bed and giggled. She wasn't in her own body, even I knew that, and I had no idea what she really looked like. "But, since you have found...
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posted by LovelyDreamer_x
Zero is a composed character though occasionally he can be very cruel and hostile, particularly to Kaname. Zero is a gentle person though appears otherwise, he builds barriers around himself rather than opening up to Yuki. He has a kind heart and longs to protect humans and will never betray the one he holds dear.
As a child, Zero was a quiet and gentle boy, to the limit where Ichiru questioned whether or not he was even capable of being a vampire hunter. However after Shizuka's attack, Zero developed a strong distrust of vampires. Zero is a tsundere character, he sports a scary aura that makes...
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posted by zerorin
While I was surfing the YouTube concerning about vampire knight, I stumble on a video entitled "Vampire knight season 3: trailer".It caught my eye and I didn't hesitated to watch it, after watching it even thou its fanmade, it still bothers me and a question has been stuck in my brain after viewing that.Are they back? Will he really kill her?

Its been days since i had just finished viewing vampire knight guilty,admittedly,I was so sad that it end like that,I was hoping a better ending rather than Zero telling Yuki that if they will meet again,he would kill her because she's a vampire.I strongly...
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Vampire knight was made from the manga vampire knight in 2008 i am quite new to the series so bear with me. if you liked anime's such as fruits baskets you'll love vampire knight and if you really loved vampire academy and the other books in its series you'll love vampire knight, but if you liked twilight i suggest you watch it, it will turn you off that stupid phenomena and you'll love vampire knight real good decent vampire material unlike twilight which is suky, zero will make you loose your obsession with edward cullen trust me it's one of the best anime's ever made
i hope theres a third season xD
posted by KathyKiryu
"Zero.." I whispered as I looked at myself in the mirror. Nana was getting ready for the Ball. She turned, a bit confused.

"What did you say?" She asked. I shook my head. Since that night, Zero wouldn't look at me, or eventalkto me. I didn't understand why. He liked Yuki, he wanted Yuki more. It didn't matter that I had known him since I was five. It didn't matter that I had been in love with him. I paused a second. I had love?

"Nothing." I answered, trying to keep my focus. Nana narrowed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm alright." I shrugged. I looked at her to see her dark red...
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posted by keturahk
well vampire knight is defiantly a great anime. the art is beyond amazing (as in it leaves you drooling >.< lol) the story line is great and touching. the powers of the vampires are wicked. every thing about the anime is just wicked >.<!!!!. the way they kinda cut the anime off annoyed me tho. i went to go read the manga but i couldn't find the patents to do so. so i just asked my friends what the ending was in the manga >.<. but i loved the anime!!! like i said it was wicked!!!! even tho no one has gone threw the problems of a vampire before >.< you really feel like you can relate to them. its easy to fell the sympathy and compassion. the kickass-ness of this anime blew me away. i just wish they would continue it but then again dont we all?? well over all if you haven't already seen it i would go watch it. its defiantly one of the few amines i would recommend. but if you dont have patents for love triangles and brief endings then it may be a bit trying for you.
posted by juurizero
Aidou kun:Hello friends!!!!!!
Kain:you! you are a monster!
Aidou kun:what?!why?
Kain:someone eat last cake!!!!!!!!
Aidou:what? not I!!!!!!!!!!
Kain:oh yes?proves!!
Aidou kun:so...........I do not like chocolate
Kain:It was Ruka!
Ruka:Me?I'm confused!
Kain:It was Rima!
Rima:I eat with shiki!
Kain:Oh corect!It was shiki!
Siki:No I eat with Rima!
Kain:It was Kaname sama!
Kaname:I thank the blood!
Kain:who was it!?
Aidou:Wait a minut,what you crumbs on shirt?
Kain:Well.............ok ok I ate
Aidou kun:case closed!!!!!!I brought pizza!
posted by Kibahina96
3rd Person
Luna gazed up at the stars,she smiled. She heard a noise in the bushes.She turned he head so she could see.Just the wind.She stood up and started walking.It began to rain "Oh crud" she said.She saw a building surrounded by a giant fence."Well rules are meant to be broken" she told herself. She climbed the fence and took shelter under a tree.Soon she was fast asleep.

The Next Morning

When Luna awoke she was laying on a bed and she felt hot.Her throat hurt and she felt tired."Are you awake" said a male voice.She turned her head and saw a boy. He had silver hair and lavender eyes."Where...
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posted by KathyKiryu
"Aido? Where are we going?" I asked, looking around. This was part of the school I didn't recognize. Aido looked back at me with a smirk.

"It's a surprise. Close your eyes." Aido said. I chuckled a bit before closing my eyes. It was another minute or so before we stopped.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I asked.

"No...not yet...I need you to lay down.." Aido said. I was a bit confused, but I trusted him. I kept my eyes closed and laid down on top of something cold and wet. Then I felt straps on my arms, legs, and neck. I opened my eyes quickly.

"Aido?" I questioned as I looked around. The stones and...
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This is just personal opinion so don't take it seriously and beware of spoiler!

I will miss reading new chapters every month, but it was about time that such long story ended. The only thing that I liked from the ending is that Zero and Yuuki spent a lot of years together, so I guess that Zero was finally happy after the very end of his life, honestly I don't know if I can say the same about Yuuki, she looked absolutely miserable when Zero asked her to stay by his side. (Why Yuki's kids are there with "Idontgiveasinglef**k" expression? ....she died with her kids standing right there? Best mother...
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posted by KathyKiryu
Years passed, and I was now 16 years old. It took eight years for me to move on a little from the tragedy Dad had told me about. I didn't think I would ever be alright again, emotionally. Dad had enrolled me into Cross Academy. I would be part of the Day Class. Dad had told me the Night Class were all Vampires. When I heard that, my blood boiled. He explained they were good though, but it made no difference to me. That the Headmaster was trying to bring Humans and Vampires to live in harmony. I didn't think it would be such a great idea.

It was my first day there. I was sitting in the Headmaster's...
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